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Meeting Minutes



August 15,2024



Old Business

· July 18th meeting minutes-Meeting minutes reviewed. Carole brought one correction, On July minutes It stated that we had not received the rental fee and it should have ready that we had not received the rental form. Carole made the motion to accept and Frank 2nd the motion. Accepted by all.

· Financial Report-Carole reviewed transaction. Frank motioned to accept, Meg 2nd motion. Accepted by all.


· Food Pantry

*Great donations so far! Totals to date are $2760.00. Dave to send Thank you notes.

*Garden Items-Anyone wanting to donate extra garden items- Donate Wednesday morning 9am at the Methodist Church on Center Street


· All Home Days Breakfast- Sunday, September 1st

*There is a lot of construction on the kitchen so a few will go review the new set up in August 20th at 10AM.

*Reservation fee of $100 was paid.

*We are short 2 volunteers. Dave contacted Carissa from FBLA to see if any students are interested in volunteering.

*Dave to reach out to Missy about eggs. We are requesting 30 dozen eggs. Dave to pick them up.

*Carole has ordered all other breakfast items.

*Meal price will be the same as the Saturday and Monday breakfast @$9 for adults and $4 for children.

*Booklet Ad-cost is $65

· Business Social

*Nickel Plate was suggested as a good venue with outside tents.

*Possibly snacks supplied with drinks available for purchase.

*Jodi to reach out to see what is available. Thoughts are a Thursday @4pm

*Chris to design a flyer

New Business

AGAPE Backpack program-last year we donated $250.00 to the program. Dave motioned that we donate same amount in 2024 and Meg 2nd. Accepted by all.

*Frank asked Carole to add AGAPE to our spend plan.

Committee Reports

· Membership Drive- June through August

*52 responses YTD

*Chris sending reminders to those who have not joined and a Thank you to those who have.

· FBLA- Dave reached out about ALHD breakfast volunteers.


Frank made motion to adjourn, Meg 2nd the motion. Accepted by all. Next meeting 9/19/2024 8am


Respectively Submitted

Jodi Berry


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